ITAD - responsibility for used computer equipment

IT Asset Disposal ( ITAD for short) is a buzzword that should become a permanent fixture in every IT enterprise.
As spending on newer and better IT equipment increases, the question often arises: what to do with old, discontinued computer equipment from the company?
After all, you can’t just throw them in the trash and forget the whole thing.
In such cases, companies that practice ITAD and will take care of used computer equipment with their actions come to the rescue.
One of the few and first such companies is HitITgroup!

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What is ITAD?

In the simplest terms, ITAD – IT Asset Disposal is the practice by which computer equipment can be reused.
It also refers to where and how to dispose of unused IT equipment.
As we all know well, computer equipment that is no longer usable must be disposed of properly. Disposing of IT assets must be done in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
ITAD companies specialize in the process of streamlining the disposal of IT assets, minimizing costs and maximizing recovery of losses.
Companies with old, worn-out equipment must regularly make decisions about refurbishing or reselling, recycling or disposing of business equipment.
It is also important to remember that a proper IT asset disposal program protects company and brand information.

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Is there anything to be afraid of?

Absolutely not! ITAD is the idea of reusing computer hardware for as long as possible. Only as a last resort are IT devices disposed of.
A good program for managing decommissioned IT assets brings together the protection of media data, as well as the effective maximization of value recovery.
Companies engaged in this type of activity must meet various regulatory requirements.
Moreover, ITAD is constantly evolving and maturing.
Regulations are becoming more stringent, and the security of sensitive data is a top priority.
As a result, you can rest assured that every activity will comply with regulations and standards, and therefore be completely safe for both your data and the planet’s environment as a whole.

ITAD at HitITgroup

Our company comprehensively meets all the requirements of IT Asset Disposal thoughts.
In response to a number of factors related to the replacement of computer equipment in your company, we will ensure that you do not have to worry about used equipment. What then will be addressed within ITAD?

Odkupem starego sprzętu.

Odkupimy od Ciebie sprzęt, którego nie chcesz już używać. W zamian zaproponujemy Ci nowe lub używane już wcześniej urządzenia, które spełnią Twoje oczekiwania.

Bezpieczeństwem Twoich danych.

O zabezpieczenie i trwałe usunięcie informacji z nośników pamięci zadba nasze autorskie oprogramowanie WIPERAPP®. Po całym procesie otrzymasz certyfikat, który potwierdzi wyczyszczenie nośnika ze wszelkich danych.

Bezpieczną utylizacją sprzętu.

Ale tylko wtedy, kiedy sprzęt nie będzie nadawał się już do dalszego użytku. W innym przypadku chcemy zapewnić drugie życie każdemu urządzeniu. Co więcej, odzyskany sprzęt często trafia w postaci darowizny do szkół czy rodzin, które nie mogą sobie pozwolić na komfort posiadania komputera. Dzięki temu masz możliwość nie tylko pozbycia się uciążliwego problemu, ale także pomocy tym najbiedniejszym. Wszelkie działania w tym aspekcie podejmujemy jako HitITrecykling.

With a comprehensive package of services, you can avoid disposal costs and receive a cash refund for resold
We will present you with a comprehensive offer and together we will choose what is best for you and your company.

Satisfied customers

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