Professional equipment inventory and diagnostics for your business

Do you own your own company?
You probably know that in many enterprises or public institutions worn-out or old computers are replaced with newer and more efficient equipment.
Then, most often, devices that are no longer in use end up in various types of warehouses, social rooms or exchange rooms.
To a large extent, such computer equipment can be re-sold, but in order for this to happen, professional record-keeping should be carried out to collect information about each computer or laptop.

At HitITgroup, we do a comprehensive inventory of computer equipment.
We will do a comprehensive review of equipment taking into account serial numbers. Professional inventory of IT resources combined with hardware diagnostics allow you to resell computers faster.
As a result, the whole procedure will take considerably less time.
It will take you several months to create a list with detailed information on each device.
Apply to us and we will professionally and extremely quickly deal with IT equipment inventory!




Inventory of computer equipment with HitITgroup

Do you want your company’s equipment inventory process to go extremely smoothly and quickly?
Check out our services!
HitITgroup specialists will professionally handle not only the inventory of computer equipment, but also its diagnostics.
As a result, you gain not only time, but also peace of mind.
What are the advantages of computer inventory by our company?

Inwentaryzację sprzętu w firmie przeprowadzają wykwalifikowani pracownicy, którzy dzięki długoletniemu doświadczeniu zadbają o każdy, nawet najmniejszy szczegół.
Cały proces inwentaryzacji komputerów w firmie może być przeprowadzony w naszej siedzibie lub w Twojej firmie. Jedynym warunkiem jest posiadanie odpowiedniego, technicznego zaplecza, które jest potrzebne do tego typu działań.
Nasze działania pokażą ewentualne uszkodzenia sprzętu czy braki w podzespołach.
Otrzymujesz od nas szczegółowy raport w pliku XLS lub PDF.

What do you gain from our computer and laptop inventory?

The company’s equipment inventory and IT equipment diagnostics that we offer will allow us to evaluate and offer you to buy them back.
With this solution, you will not only get rid of your backlogged equipment, but you will also receive cash for it, which you can successfully allocate to new equipment or interesting projects.
You can also join our CSR program and help those most in need.
We will donate some of your computer equipment to children from orphanages or educational and sports institutions.

In addition, by ordering us to audit your equipment you can gain much more.
We will take over all IT inventory duties from you, so you can focus your thoughts on what is most important.
In addition, we will estimate the true value of your company’s equipment.
Deciding on our services, you get a guarantee of fast and, above all, safe execution of the task entrusted to us – computer network inventory and equipment diagnostics.
Thus, you take care of the environment in which we all live.
We give computers a second life by upgrading and remarketing them.
By doing so, we reduce the amount of electro-waste generated.
You don’t have to worry about your cyber-security – before the computers leave your premises we will permanently erase the data without destroying the media with our proprietary WIPERAPP® program.

We would be happy to talk to you about repurchasing IT equipment, erasing data or participating in a CSR program.
Set a date for such a conversation in our calendar

Are you interested in how we operate?
Would you like to learn about the various processes in full?
Check it out right now!
Check out our short guide and description of each activity.

2. inventory and diagnostics of computer equipment

You report to us with the problem.
We agree on the details of the operation – the entire process of inventorying computers in the company can be carried out at our premises or at your company.
The only condition is that you have the necessary technical facilities for this type of activity.
We do a comprehensive review of the equipment. You get a list with detailed information about each device.

3. valuation of your equipment

The inventory, through which we received a list of equipment, allows us to price your equipment.
We act in this case on the basis of processes developed in advance.
They allow us to estimate the value of computers, laptops or other equipment. You get a personalized offer from us.

4. acceptance of IT equipment

If you are interested in reselling your equipment we will arrange to pick up the equipment.
The location of our company is in Wroclaw.
Because of this, you can deliver your equipment to us from Monday to Friday from 9.00 – 16.00, or bet on our transportation.
How? Up to 100 km we organize the transportation of equipment on a regular basis. The costs of such activities remain on our side.
If it turns out that you need transport for further routes or more computer equipment we will arrange the details individually with you.
Purchased computer equipment is transported in vehicles that are secured with special seals.

5. detailed equipment diagnostics

Having already had the equipment at their premises, we get down to detailed, professional diagnostics. We check the condition of each device, its components.
We rule out possible damage to the equipment or missing components.

6. data destruction

We will ensure that the data from your devices does not fall into the hands of the wrong people.
With professional data erasure or, as a last resort, disk shredding, all information will be impossible to recover.
For this process we use our proprietary WIPERAPP® software.
Permanently deleting data in this way allows you to reuse your hard drive.

7 Invoice and payment

After all our activities, you receive an invoice from us and a financial receivable for the resold computer equipment.

8. refurbishment or disposal of IT equipment

After diagnostics, we take steps to renew computer equipment or dispose of it.
Our activities are part of ITAD’s philosophy of responsibility for used computer equipment.
This is a practice whereby computer equipment can be reused.
This philosophy has allowed us to launch a CSR program and help those most in need.
We donate some of the repurchased computer equipment to children from orphanages or educational and sports institutions.
If the computer equipment is not suitable for further use – we dispose of it in a completely safe way.

Satisfied customers

Certificates and awards

Don't wait until unused computer equipment messes up your office exit!
Contact us and take advantage of the offer!